Page name: RoL - Az'rim Avreh [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-12-20 02:45:20
Last author: Duredhel
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Player – [Roma]

Name – Az'rim Avreh

Race – Dah'kin

Sub-race – Dah'kin

Class – Hunter

Age – 26

Appearance – Az'rim is a slender and lithe figure of gentle womanly curves and elegance, standing at about 5'3. Her skin is almost completely white, her hair is silver, falling to her waist in a sleek, straight run, and her eyes are utterly black. She has a refined quality to her face, with sharp features that look to be carved from stone: pointed chin, high cheekbones, sharp nose, and a natural pout to her plump lips. Her breasts are pert and round and her hips swell just enough to be gracefully noticeable. There are no scars or marks on her body and she is easily considered beautiful by her race and any others who aren't afraid to admit it.

Her clothes are utilitarian at best, though she still looks rather striking in them. She dons a leather sleeveless shirt with an asian type collar but with the chest piece cut out to reveal luscious cleavage. Her pants are black silk, loose enough to make waiting for hours in the caves of Skarrad more bearable, and are tucked into knee-high leather strapped boots that help her to move silently.

Personality – Untrusting, and untrustworthy, Az'rim is no one's friend. Her selfishness will lead her to manipulate anyone with any means necessary. Often this includes intimidation (using the boon of her race), sexuality, feigned kindness, or cruelty to name a few. Even if she uses kindness, there is always behind it some lurking benefit that she deems worthy of bothering to be kind. She is rather lazy and prefers to shirk the work off to her younger brother, who she unleashes the most potent of her manipulations upon. She is just as capable of lies as she is of telling the most brutal of truths, just to put others down. Her fears are deep and hidden, and nothing ordinary, so intimidation or cruelty thrown back at her will likely only serve to amuse her. She is a dominant sort who will take what is hers and whatever else she can. She is vain as well and like to admire herself, especially since she understands that image is important.

That said, her skills as a hunter have given her the ability to exercise patience and stealth. She is proud of her skills and is resentful that her brother gets more attention from the family now that he's an adept.

History – Az'rim's life began rather tumultuously, being born into a fierce family rivalry between her house name and the Esdras family, both of whom were looking to elevate themselves at the expense of the other. She was enrolled in her training to become a High Priestess at 7. She was quite fawned over and spoiled, cementing her assumption that she was something particularly special. When she was 7 and starting High Priestess training, her brother Je'retiel was born, much to Az'rim's displeasure. Her mother often left Az'rim in charge of caring for Je'retiel, which allowed the girl to exact her revenge on him for stealing her attention.

After two years or so of High Priestess training, she soon began to balk at the structure and monotony of it, having to answer to so many and unable to set her own schedule and such, and Az'rim thusly quit. She was 9 then, and began her career as a Huntress to the dismay of her family who was already low ranking amongst the others. Their hopes had been riding with Az'rim to obtain a place in the church and they now had only to wait for their son.

When Je'retiel began his training to become an adept, the family met him with much praise that began to sharpen Az'rim's cruel edge towards her brother. She was working hard, becoming a stealthy and dangerous huntress and was utterly overlooked in the light of her brother's new appointment. Her family now saw that the only way for her to be of any use to the family was for her to marry, which she was not old enough for yet. Az'rim kept Je'retiel down as much as she could, preying on the weaknesses that she could find and exploiting them to her advantage. One night, when Je'retiel finally found the courage to say something plucky about his more desirable position over her meager huntress skills, Az'rim struck him hard across the face with the cooking skillet she'd been making him dinner in. The wound has since disfigured his face, a fact that she reminds him of, or talks about overlooking, depending on the circumstance.

When she became of marrying age, she was far too busy honing her skills and trying to climb the guilds to bother with a husband. However, once the family Esdras had married one of their daughters off to a well respected member of the church, Az'rim realized that it was time for her to start looking for a suitor and allowed her family to find a reasonable partner. They found a Doomsday Knight named Miv'rel Ashtor and the two were quickly engaged. However, shortly before the wedding was to take place, Miv'rel was mysteriously slaughtered, obviously at the hands of the Esdras'. Soon after, the family Esdras married their final son off to a High Priestess and they left the Avreh's in the dust.

This has fueled Az'rim's passion for vengeance and she and Je'retiel have decided to leave Skarrad in search for a way to accrue money, power, prestige, meaningful connections, or anything else that could elevate their family above that of the family Esdras.

Family - RoL - Je'retiel Avreh, her younger brother, her only active relation, and her teammate or enemy depending on the scenario. They have a twisted and sordid relationship that is best described as Oedipal. Love and hate flow freely between the two. Az'rim is jealous and secretly frightened that one day her little brother will realize that he doesn't need her anymore so she constantly belittles him to keep him under her thumb, which has worked so far. Since they are Dah'kin and not subject to the taboos of other races, it can come as a shock when she uses her sexuality to win him over again after a strategic and well placed thrash of cruelty. Sadly, he is the only relationship she has put any energy into, even if it's abusive energy, she has still spent the majority of her life with him and he knows her best. When there is a common enemy, the two band together and are stronger than they could ever hope to be alone. The rest of the time, it's a brooding sibling rivalry that borders on the obscene.

Weapon of Choice – Bow and Arrow

Element – Black


Level – 5

Experience/To next level – 2200/3010

Main Hand:
Steel Warbow (Large Bow/ Piercing, Two-handed, Crit 2 / 3 Atk, 2 Def, 4 Spd, 3 Enc, 10 Rng, 5 Wgt/ Bladed Edges)
Arrows x 26 (2.6 Wgt)
Black Leather Doublet (Light Armor / 3 Def, -1 Dex, 2 End, 7 Wgt)

Belt - Jewel Belt (Medium Accessory/ 2 Enc, 1 Graf / 1 Mag, 1 Cha, 1 Wgt)
Gloves - Leather Gloves (Small Accessory/ 1 Graft / 1 Wgt)
Boots -
Necklace -
Earrings -
Ring -
Bronze Throwing Knife (Tiny Sword/ Piercing, Sleight-Handed, Crit 2 / 1 Atk, 3 Spd, 3 Rng, 1 Wgt)
Makeup Kit (+1 Cha, 0,5 Wgt)
Freelancer's Guild Badge
Oil Vial (1 Wgt)
71 GP

Stats -
HP – 15/16
MP – 12
STR – 4
CON – 4
DEX – 8 (S)
INT – 6 (S)
MAG – 6 (S)(+1)
CHA – 4.5 (+2)

CC – 19.1/21

Lv 4 Handle Bows 
Lv 2 Marksmanship+3 Attack Power with ranged weapons.
Lv 2 TrackYou can follow leads and track down a person or animal over rough terrain. +2 to search, +2 to listen, +2 to spot, +2 to detect disguises and +2 to Scent.
Lv 3 Discipline+4 Charisma against Fear, Panic and Terror. Once a day, become immune to all fear effects for an amount of turns equal to your Charisma.
Lv 1 Awareness+2 to Spot, Listen and Scent.
Lv 1 Aimed ShotIncrease ranged Attack Power by 4 but deal halved damage.
Lv 2 Rapid ReloadReloading bows and crossbows become a free action once per turn.
Lv 2 SwiftYou gain a +3 bonus on all movement skill checks.

SP - 0

Special Skills -
Wild Sense - All skills in the Survival Family are more effective than normal. Eg; Track grants +3 to Listen instead of a +2.

Back to RoL - Test Party

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2010-04-19 [Duredhel]: Fill in the char sheet and we'll do the rule aspect later ;)

2010-04-19 [Fetish Dolly Koneko™]: Oooh! I love what you've written sofar. Rather intimidating. Wonder how she's gonna interact with a party...

2010-04-19 [Roma]: She's going to do whatever benefits her best. If it'll only be annoying and waste her energy to be cruel to the people, then she'll pretend to be the nice one out of the two Dah'kin...for a time. And then they'll see how she treats her brother and they'll be like...O_O bitch.

2010-04-20 [Ms. Steel]: As far as the history goes, I was thinking along the same lines about a stunted arranged marriage leading to the siblings' exodus from Skarrad. The rest of it fills in well, then. :-)

2010-04-20 [Lepellier]: Quick question though... Are they still sided with the Spire/Dah'kin Community/Dah'kin religion, or are the averting from that now that they have left Skarrad?

2010-04-20 [Ms. Steel]: I THINK they're still sided with the Dah'kin? But don't quote me on that. I'm still very green when it comes to those allegiances in this world. :-I Roma might have a better opinion on it.

2010-04-20 [Lepellier]: It's fine by me. I have a feeling that they are too, but I just want to clarify and make sure that they are.

2010-04-20 [Roma]: Oh, they're only leaving for a time. They have every intention of going back in the name of revenge, to make sure that they can smite the Rival family with their awesomeness acquired away from Skarrad.

2010-04-20 [Lepellier]: Hey! But the smiting is my job! lol

2010-04-20 [Roma]: But no one can smite like a Dah'kin, bred for vengeance from birth! The Spire Coda burns with green fire inside of them!

2010-04-20 [Lepellier]: We shall see! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!

2010-04-20 [Ms. Steel]: Woo-ha. Yeah Dah'kin power. And stuff.

2010-04-20 [Lepellier]: Now I'm kinda hoping one of you randomly catches fire...My character will have to find some marshmallows...then again, you said that it burns inside of them...

2010-04-20 [Roma]: poor fool, mwahaha

2010-04-20 [Ms. Steel]: hehehe.

2010-04-20 [Duredhel]: Ok, you get a bonus of + 1 to Intelligence or Magic and a -1 to Constitution or Charisma,

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